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@@<< قسم الدعايه العام >>@@ لمواضيع االدعايه العامه


من إدارة الديوانيه : السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أود إحاطتكم أن موقعنا ليس لنشر الدعايات ولهذا إن لم تكن لديك مواضيع عامه يستفيد منها القارئ فنعتذر منك سلفا لو تم إيقاف مشاركاتك     من مكة المكرمه : إقترب العيد وبذلك نهنئكم أجمل التهاني وكل عام وأنتم بخير     من مكه : السلام عليكم كيفكم يا اهل المنتدى الغالين رجعت واتنمى استمر معاكم نفيد ونستفيد ونشوف اخبار لحيفه والقاريه     من الإداره : تم إيقاف العضو سلطان توركي لعدم إلتزامه بتعليمات الديوانيه     من قسم الحوار : السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تحيه طيبه للجميع ارفقت رساله في قسم الحوار والنقاش لاصاحب حسابات الدعايه والاعلان ارجو مشاهدتها     من الإيقاف مستمر : وتم إيقاف الشلال الصاعد والغروووب لعدم إلتزامهم بقوانين الموقع     من إيقاف الأعضاء : تم إيقاف مشاركات الأعضاء سمير رامي ولاميس لعدم إلتزامهم بقوانين الموقع     من الإداره : يمنع منعا باتا الكتابه عبر أقسام المجموعة الأولى في الديوانيه وسيتم حذف من يتجاهل هذه التعليمات     من الإداره : للعلم لا يسمح بالمشاركه في مجموعة الأقسام الأولى بالديوانيه وسيتم حذف من يكب بها حذفا نهائيا     من أبها البهية : كل عام وانتم بخير     من الأخت سحر بحري : الأخت سحر بحري ... السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وأرجو قراءة رساله خاصه مرسله لك على الخاص وإفادتي     من جده : السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته اعتذر عن هذا الأنقطاع وتبقى ديوانيتنا الحبيبة تشبه مسقط الرأس مهما طالت الغيبة لا يد من العودة والشهر علينا وعليكم مبارك     من تنبيه : آيات علي ... إن لم تلتزمي بمواقع المواضيع فسيتم حذفك من الموقع نهائياً     من تعليمات : أي عضو لا يلتزم بإنزال مواضيعه في الأقسام الخاصه بها سيحذف ويمنع تكرار الموضوع في أكثر من قسم     من التسجيل متوقف : تم ألغاء التسجيل في هذا الموقع لعدم إلتزام الأعضاء بتعليمات الديوانيه ومنها وضع المشاركات في الأقسام الخاصه بها     من الإداره : تم حذف جميع المواضيع التي لم تنزل في أقسامها والمكرره في أكثر من قسم     من الإداره : الورد الكسير .... تم حذف مواضيعك لعدم الإلتزام بالأقسام الخاصه بها     من الإداره : الأخت سحر بحري ... مواضيعك جيده ومفيده ... أشكرك واستمري وفقك الله     من الإداره هام جداً : يجب طرح الموضوع في القسم الذي يلائمه كالرياضي في القسم الرياض والديني في قسم الدين والصحي في الصحه والتجاري في الإتصاد والدعائي في قسم الدعايه وسيتم الحذف فوراً لمن لا يلتزم     من : الأخوة الأعضاء أكثر مواضيعكم بل كلها غير مفيده وهي دعائيه وهنناك قسم للدعايه أنشأناه لهذا الغرض وسيتم حذف أي مشاركه لا يتلائم موضوعها مع القسم الذي تطرح فيه ... كنا نقوم بنقلها والآن سنقوم بحذفها    

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 25-06-2022, 08:11 AM
محمد ألتركي

افتراضي Modern washing machines have greatly simplified the

Washing Machine & Fridge Repair Dubai
Modern washing machines have greatly simplified the washing process and are essential companions in the household. The variety of manufacturers and types of washing machines is getting better and better and growing. All automated machines have sophisticated electronics that monitor and control their processes.
The malfunction of your washing machine can cause inconveniences around the house as you have to go to the laundry or even wash your bed linen, kitchen towels, and clothes by hand. You don’t have to replace defective devices with new ones, because that costs a lot of money. If there are breakdowns, it is more advantageous to carry out Bosch washing machine & fridge repair in Dubai. After a complete diagnosis – Replace the deactivation nodes, mechanisms, parts, or services. Our home service can solve such problems.
Why choose washing machine & fridge repair?
Our company provides washing machine repair services for various brands and models in Dubai. They are years of experience in these services. During this time, we have studied the needs of our customers and value each customer’s time, so we try to carry out all repairs in the shortest possible time and at their place. Our advantages:
Use of quality repairing services
Our company only uses original and quality components, not identical functions, when replacing parts. Our warehouse constantly replenishes everything you need. To restore the performance of your machine, we always have these materials in stock;
It’s comfortable and profitable. We offer all our customers, without exception, LG washing machine repair in Dubai at the home, office, country house, etc., at democratic prices. Even if you called at night or left an inquiry, we will call you back from the beginning of the business day. The teacher will come as soon as the matter has been clarified. There is no need to wait for the assistant at an inconvenient time. Order a day or more in advance. Apart from sporadic exceptions, we will transport your equipment to the workshop if necessary, which does not cause any additional inconvenience.
Professional repair Dubai, urgent, and convenient service
Our company can afford to provide the prospective customer with professional, fast, and convenient service and cheap enough “value for money.” Therefore, you will surely be satisfied with our services!
Professionalism and experience of staff. Over the years, we have selected a team of professionals. Our teachers are constantly improving and expanding their knowledge in this field. Therefore, you will only receive qualified and timely assistance with our service;
A wide range of washing machine repair services.
We carry out all types of repairs, from the simplest to the largest. We carry out assembly and disassembly work. Assistance with initial setup and device connection. Service devices for preventive maintenance;
Warranty after fridge repair.
Each of our customers receives a contract for the work carried out. As practice shows, there are usually no problems beyond the warranty period. Therefore, we are convinced of the quality of our repair work. What washing machine repair services do we offer?
By contacting our home service, the customer can place an order for Fridge Repair in Dubai service on our ***site and by phone.
The captain procures additional units, spares, components, and spares. Our employee will agree on the quantity, type, nature, and composition of the essential works and, as soon as possible, will collect the artist’s profile and clarify the schedule of the visit.
Here is a list of the work performed by our market technician:
• During the first visit, our foreman quickly, accurately, and professionally diagnoses, assess the nature of the defect, and indicates how much it costs to repair the washing machine;
• The work is carried out carefully and cleaned after the repair;
• Be sure to provide instructions, tips, and practical advice on how to use the technology correctly and explain the individual nuances and professional details of this model;
• Explain the probable causes of the errors encountered;
• Professionally replaces outdated devices, aggregates, blocks, and systems, checks the electronics, and rectifies any defects found.
Common Washing Machine Problems
Washing Machine Leaks
Water Leaks Often Damage one of the hoses: inlet or outlet. The cause of this malfunction may be the drying out of the hose or the old gasket. The master checks both cuffs and replaces the old one with a new one.
Does not start washing mode
First, check the plug and the cord of the socket. If the connector is repairable, and the indicator lights come on when the machine is plugged in, the wizard will look for the cause of the malfunction in the electronic control unit. Also, the reason may be that the integrity of the door lock is violated since it is provided that the washing mode will not start if the flap is improperly closed. The lid does not close.
If the lid does not close when the door is closed, the cause may be the sensor or the electronic control unit. On-call maintenance personnel has the sensors to fix such a malfunction.
cold water
When you start washing at 9095°C, 600°C, and 400°C, the water heats up slowly or not at all. The reason lies in the heating. It can be covered with salts that do not allow the piece to function as a conductor of heat. Or the clamps are loose. As a result, the part has reached the end of its useful life.
No water is pumped from the tank, or there is a loud buzzing sound when drained.
These signs indicate that the pump is defective or clogged. First, the master will clean it, and if this measure does not correct the situation, he will replace the part.
The drum will not rotate.
This serious malfunction can be caused by engine failure, a broken bearing, or a broken pulley (drive belt).The cost of repairing the machine
The cost of the assistant may vary.
The following factors often influence the price:
• The level of difficulty of the work being carried out.
• During the diagnosis, new circumstances became known that the customer could not report to the operator.
• The price also changes if components are exchanged.
The exact amount of adjustment can only be determined after completing a general diagnosis.

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